2 videos
about my wife and I
were initiated/gaslighted
by the US Attorneys Office
of Western Pennsylvania
(700 Grant Street, 15219).
The first was published on
the 20th anniversary of the
US release date per
"The Shawshank Redemption".
My wife was medically
murdered by Allegheny
General Hospital
(Pittsburgh, 15212)
on the 17th anniversary
of the Canadian release
date of
"The Shawshank Redemption".
The second video was
published on 2/12/2020,
just as a million Americans
were about to be kidnapped
by mechanical ventilators
(per Covid-19).
The Mutahar video was
produced 6 days after
our first discussion.
PITT will never tell US
about Dr Bing Liu's
breakthrough, because
I just told you
what it was.
Truth can be very ugly,
which is why MSM
avoids it altogether.
Carlin woulda had
All mRNA "vaccines"
have always destroyed
the immune system.
In the unlikely event
that any of yinz publicly
protest your own genocide,
you will be defrauded by
your bank, harassed by law
enforcement, ignored by
MSM, and much worse, all
at the behest of one
of "your" 93 US Attorneys.